Pixel Cloud Sculpture

Pixel Cloud Sculpture

An eight storey tall 3D matrix of light globes suspended in the North Atrium of the new Allen & Overy building and winner of the Workplace Environment category, Design Week Awards, 2009.

Pixel Cloud Sculpture by Jason Bruges Studio

The spacing between these globes is in response to the architectural grid of the Foster and Partners building. The overall chandelier reacts in real-time to changes in environmental conditions broadcast from the worldwide network of Allen & Overy offices.

Pixel Cloud Sculpture by Jason Bruges Studio

Jason Bruges Studio website: The Pixel Cloud

Pixel Cloud Sculpture in the Allen & Overy Office Building
Pixel Cloud Sculpture
Installation of the Pixel Cloud Sculpture
Pixel Cloud Sculpture Installation

Tag: Pixel Cloud Sculpture, Allen & Overy Chandelier, Jason Bruges Studio, Installation